Thanks to:
Dear Friends. Thank you so much for your trust, love and time!
Thank you so much dear Mother, that you gave a Violin in my hands.
Thank you dear Father.
Thank you so much for everything Dear Harald Jorkowski!
Thank you for Logos design, friendship and great taste and excellent colors to
Dmitryj Potemkin!
Thank you so much Prof.Dr.phil. Sieglinde Hartmann!
Thank you René Plantade for beautiful photos.
Thank you Elena Zobel for wonderful photos and videos!
Thank you Katharina Rubin for "my" Portret!
Thank you Artur Schmidt for Interview!
Thank you for your text Tea Mealer!
Thank you Michael Franke!
Thank you so much for poesy to Maria Kopany-Sauer!
Thank you to Jaroslav Menzinsky!
Thank you to Andreas Göckel: you already there but still here in my heard!
Vielen herzlichen Dank für "Dein-Mein-Pirastro" Schulterschtutzer!
Thank you FATHER!!! -:for your MUSIC, YOUR 'GAME and YOUR LOVE!!!
Best regards,
Vladimir Bodunov