Vladimir Bodunov (Uladzimir Badunou)
Composer, violinist, arranger, actor, poet, free artist.
Laureate of international competitions as a violinist. Laureate of international
competitions as a composer. Performed in many concert halls in Europe as a
soloist, in various orchestras and ensembles. Has performed his own
compositions at Carnegie Hall America.


Meine Leidenschaft in der Kunst besteht darin, zunächst einmal nach meiner eigenen Sprache zu suchen oder das zu verwenden, was ich bereits gefunden und angewendet habe..., - in dem Ausdruck und der Beschreibung meiner eigenen Haltung zu einem bestimmten Objekt, das in einem bestimmten Kunstlerwerk beschrieben wird, ausgedrückt in der Suche und dem Finden einer geeigneten spezifischen Technik für die vollständigste Realisierung und Beschreibung einer bestimmten Idee oder eines Teils davon.
"Es ist für mich sehr interessant, in verschiedenen Musikstilen zu arbeiten und sie auch in einem bestimmten Werk miteinander zu kombinieren, z.B. unter Verwendung klassischer, moderner, alternativer, experimenteller Techniken, und gleichzeitig bestimmte konzeptuelle Ideen eines einzelnen Werkes mit dem für diese bestimmte Idee am besten geeigneten musikalischen Material zu verwirklichen, weshalb die Hierarchie der Musikstile für mich einfach nicht existiert. Wenn ein klassisch-moderner Schreibstil für eine bestimmte Idee geeignet ist, ist das wunderbar, aber wenn für eine andere Idee z.B. Rap oder Metal geeignet ist - dann ist das auch in Ordnung".
Vladimir Bodunov
My passion in art is to search first of all for my own language or to use what I have already found and applied..., - in the expression and description of my own attitude to a certain object described in a particular Kunstler work, expressed in the search and finding of a suitable specific technique for the most complete realization and description of a particular idea or part of it.
"It is very interesting for me to work in different styles of music and also to combine them in one particular work together, for example using classical, modern, alternative, experimental techniques together, and at the same time realize specific conceptual ideas of a single work, with the most suitable for this particular idea ,-musical material.Therefore, the hierarchy of musical styles for me simply does not exist. If a classic modern style of writing is suitable for a particular idea, it is wonderful, but if for another idea is suitable for example rap or metal - it's also fine."
Vladimir Bodunov

DH for Piano

Интервью с  Athtur Schmidt 

Wiesbaden 2021:



From Press (Germany):


From Press (USA) :

"The Grand Musical Journey of Vladimir Bodunov "

Authored by Rhea Jimmy

Apr 15, 2021https://www.courtyardly.com/newsroom/news/131?fbclid=IwAR1oP4lJsFGlcr-hcLbOHSefOtEbQQflWfB6AaFcR0OerMYIAWj7eSwEvl8



List of composed compositions:

Concert for 2 Violins with orchestra

Hope in 3 movements.

for string orchestra with drums timpany harp Orgel Piano oboe basson Trumpet.

String Quartet 1.

Four Seasons.

redaction for Violin solo


redaction for Two Violins

redaction for Piano solo

redaction for Violin and Cello

Animal Tales

Two Cows Talk and a contract, staing on the green field. (for 2 Violins)


The adventures of two brave and bold grasshoppers. (for 2 Violins)


The Mole (Bariton, string orchestra and drums)


Piano + Vocal


Spuren Gottes

Piano + Harp + Violin + Bariton



Reflection and Conclusion

Piano and Violin




String orchestra with solists, drums and bass quitar, Piano.

Do you love me?

String orchestra, Piano, Harp, drums.

full track: https://youtu.be/rIOK6hdsvf4

video-clip: https://youtu.be/RxFFNjNvbaI


Spuren Gottes

for Klavier, Violin, Harpe und Bariton:



For Piano:

Friedberg-Rosbacher Skizzen.



For Violin:

from Cycle Voices violently killed:

Voice 1

shaman waltz - frech Nadel

vladimir bodunov
experimental music - 'classical music

shaman waltz:


Fresch Nadel:


For The Violin Drivers (own project):




                   Vladimir Bodunov play his Inspiration on private party in Frankfurt am Main.

Industrial Voices



Force of Energy

The Last Song


Demo Video:






DESTINY'S DOOR : Vladimir Bodunov-Hans Zimmer



The funeral procession of Belarus culture track and Video:



Inspiration (redaction for 2 Violins)



Feedback from anonymous philosopher about piece:
" - a very refined and harmonious modernism... traced female soul theme of lyricism and reflection, but created gently and carefully by a man...
There isa lot of atmosphere of beautiful fragnant nature... And all this with a certain undertone of philosophy about the essence of beautiful being...


Galactic world for clarinet solo

dedicated to Ettore Pelaschiar


Заливная Рыба


Next Concerts 2025:

30.05.2025 "Das Bilderhaus"
Hermannstrasse 41, 60318 Frankfurt am Main. 

Im Programm: 

Die Jahreszeiten von A.Vivaldi 


Frühling aus den Jahreszeiten von V.Bodunov 

Fantasia-Caprice V.Bodunov 

Galaktische Welt V.Bodunov 

Freche Nadel V.Bodunov 

Eintritt Frei Danke fuer Ihre Spende

Herzlich willkommen 02.02.2024 um 19:30 in Das Bilderhaus Frankfurt am Main Hermannstrasse 41.
In program : A.Schnittke, V.Bodunov. C.Debussy. Kurechin. Ets.

20.03.2021 Friedberg




Feedback from Press:


Dear friends i hope that we will meet us there. Im very glad to have this possibility to be heard. Thank you so much! See you 20.03.2021 At 17:00 in Musicshool Friedberg (Hessen).

In Programm:
  From 4 Seasons:
1) 'Spring' for  Violin :  performer Vladimir Bodunov
2) 'Summer' for Piano :  performer Georg Klemp

3) 'Winter' for 2 Violins : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov
4) For violin and Piano "Reflection and Conclusion"  : performers Georg Klemp and Vladimir Bodunov
For 2 Violins from "Animal Tales":
5) 'The adventures of two brave and bold grasshoppers'. : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov
6) 'Two Cows Talk and a contract, staing on the green field'. : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov
7) For Piano with vocal: "Maria"  : performers Georg Klemp and Cornelia Halsbauer
8) For 2 Violins: "Inspiration"  : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov

                      Demo Video  with Music by Vladimir Bodunov from Concert 20.03.2021:



04.09.21 Frankfurt am Main um 14:00

Asal Khosravi Vernisage


In Programm:

A.Vivaldi Summer and Spring

V.Bodunov Summer and Spring for Violin solo


12.06.2021 Dreieich PferdenKonzert

(Danke fuer Photos und Videos Valentina Levant)


in Programm: Spontan improvisations , music by J.S.Bach, N.Paganini and V.Bodunov

Some videos here:



30.05.2021 Friedberg Musicschool LehrerKonzert um 17:00

in Programm: J.M.Kraus, A.Dvorak, J.Halvorsen, J.Pachelbel ,J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


04.06.2021 Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


05.06.2021  Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov
Some photos here:



19.06.2021  Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

 in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov

Some photos here:



03.07.2021  at 16:00 in Frankfurt am Main - violin perfomance

We will meet us here at 16:00:


   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov

04.07.2021 at 15:20 Frankfurt am Main  - violin perfomance
(15.20 Uhr, oberhalb des Weihers, Ecke Obermainanlage / Weiherstrasse)

We will meet us here at 15:20:


   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


10.07.2021 at 15:20 Frankfurt am Main - violin perfomance
(15.20 Uhr,  Raiffeisenstrasse, Ecke Roscherstrase, auf der Grünfläche bei der Litfasssäule)

We will meet us here at 15:20:


in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


11.07.2021  Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


14.07.2021 at 18:30  Frankfurt am Main - violin perfomance
We will meet us here at 18:30:


in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov



Katharina Rubin


Gruendenseestrasse 19 , 60386 FaM

Um 20:00

In Programm:

V.Bodunov Summer from 4 Seasons for violin solo

Singing Saw...

and more...







Kartina-Club Wiesbaden

with music by V.Bodunov and other Artists, Dancers and performers.

Premiere "Spuren Gottes"


Some of Video Examples with music by V.Bodunov


Demonstration video with short cuts of music by Vladimir Bodunov.

for violin solo

violin and piano


piano and vocal

2 violins

 Summer for Violin solo from Seasons:


The adventures of two brave and bold grasshoppers. (for 2 Violins)


DESTINY'S DOOR : H.Zimmer-V. Bodunov

For contest by Hans Zimmer "Bleeding Fingers":


  "Breath" : for violin, quitar , vocal,triangle and  clatter of teeth. V.Bodunov-D.Vorobiev

                  V.Bodunov - Reflection and Conclusion (1998) live for piano and violin

"Funeral procession of Belarus culture"

"Do you love me?" -Minimusical

"Do you love me?" -  V.Bodunov, full soundtrack

"The City-3" - V. Bodunov - D.Vorobiev- A. Ballash

"The Violin Drivers" - Demo video, live.

D.Vorobiev-V.Bodunov  live - "edges which is no more"
