Composer Vladimir Bodunov

Usie «Chramy» treba vyzvalić ad čalaviečaj jerasi i zrabić dastupnymi muzykam-kampazitaram dlia vykanannia Božaj Muzyki.
«Usio i ničoha,
Ničoha i ŭsio"
Усе «Храмы» трэба вызваліць ад чалавечай ерасі і зрабіць даступнымі музыкам-кампазітарам для выканання Божай Музыкі.
«Усё і нічога, нічога і ўсё»
Usi «Khramy» mayutʹ buty zvilʹneni vid lyudsʹkoyi yeresi ta nadani muzykantam-kompozytoram dlya vykonannya Muzyky Boha.
«Vse i nichoho,
Nichoho i vse"
Усі «Храми» мають бути звільнені від людської єресі та надані музикантам-композиторам для виконання Музики Бога.
«Все і нічого,
Нічого і все"
Tüm "Tapınaklar" insan sapkınlığından kurtarılmalı ve müzisyenlerin-bestecilerin Tanrı'nın müziğini icra edebilmeleri için kullanılabilir hale getirilmelidir.
"Her şey ve hiçbir şey,
Hiçbir şey ve her şey"
Alle "Tempel" sollten von menschlicher Häresie befreit und den Musikern-Komponisten zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um die Musik Gottes aufzuführen.
"Alles und Nichts
Nichts und Alles"
Все "Храмы" должны быть освобождены от человеческой ереси и предоставлены музыкантам-композиторам для исполнения Музыки Бога.
"Все и ничего
Ничто и все"
Tous les « Temples » doivent être libérés de l'hérésie humaine et mis à la disposition des musiciens-compositeurs pour interpréter la Musique de Dieu.
"Tout et rien,
Rien et tout"
All "Temples" should be freed from human heresy and made available to the musicians-composers to perform the Music of God.
"Everything and nothing
Nothing and everything"
Todos los "Templos" deben ser liberados de la herejía humana y puestos a disposición de los músicos-compositores para interpretar la Música de Dios.
"Todo y nada,
Nada y todo"

«Sviet zmoža być cudoŭnym toĺki tady, kali budzie dobry balans. Heta zdarycca tady, :kali va ŭsim sviecie budzie: raŭnapraŭje raŭnaznačnasć i raŭnavahu.
Raŭnapraŭje, raŭnaznačnasć i raŭnavahu pamiž mužčynami i žančynami.
Kali žančyna budzie pavažać i kachać mužčynu tady i mužčyna budzie pavažać i kachać žančynu i naadvarot: kali mužčyna budzie pavažać i kachać žančynu tady i žančyna budzie pavažać i kachać mužčynu.
Kali lievyja buduć pavažać pravych a pravyja pavažać lievych: tady vyjavicca: kropka siaredziny abo «zalatyja šali»: nazvanyja: Anarchija (Maci Paradku).
Heta -:adziny :vierny (praviĺny) Šliach (šliach).
A datuĺ, pakuĺ vy ciahniecie na lieva ci na prava, na prava ci na lieva, na mužčynski ci na žanočy bok, na žanočy ci na mužčynski bok: toje zaŭsiody budzie nierazumiennie, zaŭsiody budzie niepavaha, zaŭsiody budzie žach i vajna.
JA zaklikaju vas usich: zaviaršyć vajnu.
JA zaklikaju vas usich: pryjsci da pieramirja.
: Pavažać adzin adnaho, liubić adzin adnaho.
Pavažajcie adzin adnaho i liubicie adzin adnaho tut i zaraz.
JA kachaju vas usich za toje, što vy daliečy mnie heta zrazumieć.
JA kachaju vas usich i kožnaha.
Taksama jak i naš adziny Ajciec: Tvorca.
(Jon) liubić nas usich adnoĺkava…
I ciabie i mianie i mianie i ciabie.
Tamu što my ŭsie: jaho dzieci.
Braty i siostry, siostry i braty.
Čas pryjšoŭ i maje vorahi stanoviacca maimi siabrami, a maje siabry zastajucca maimi siabrami. Maje siabry zastajucca maimi siabrami, a maje vorahi stanoviacca maimi siabrami.
Toĺki kali my pryjdziem u hety punkt: raŭnapraŭja, raŭnaznačnasci i harmaničnaj raŭnavahi va ŭsim: toĺki tady, my atrymajem prava nazyvacca: čalaviekam abo istotaj razumnym.
I niachaj tak budzie zaŭsiody, viečna, nazaŭždy.
Nazaŭždy - Zaŭsiody
Zaŭsiody - Nazaŭždy
Na viaki viakoŭ
Amon Ra



«Свет зможа быць цудоўным толькі тады, калі будзе добры баланс. Гэта здарыцца тады, :калі ва ўсім свеце будзе: раўнапраўе раўназначнасць і раўнавагу.
Раўнапраўе, раўназначнасць і раўнавагу паміж мужчынамі і жанчынамі.
Калі жанчына будзе паважаць і кахаць мужчыну тады і мужчына будзе паважаць і кахаць жанчыну і наадварот: калі мужчына будзе паважаць і кахаць жанчыну тады і жанчына будзе паважаць і кахаць мужчыну.
Калі левыя будуць паважаць правых а правыя паважаць левых: тады выявіцца: кропка сярэдзіны або «залатыя шалі»: названыя: Анархія (Маці Парадку).
Гэта -:адзіны :верны (правільны) Шлях (шлях).
А датуль, пакуль вы цягнеце на лева ці на права, на права ці на лева, на мужчынскі ці на жаночы бок, на жаночы ці на мужчынскі бок: тое заўсёды будзе неразуменне, заўсёды будзе непавага, заўсёды будзе жах і вайна.
Я заклікаю вас усіх: завяршыць вайну.
Я заклікаю вас усіх: прыйсці да перамір'я.
: Паважаць адзін аднаго, любіць адзін аднаго.
Паважайце адзін аднаго і любіце адзін аднаго тут і зараз.
Я кахаю вас усіх за тое, што вы далечы мне гэта зразумець.
Я кахаю вас усіх і кожнага.
Таксама як і наш адзіны Айцец: Творца.
(Ён) любіць нас усіх аднолькава…
І цябе і мяне і мяне і цябе.
Таму што мы ўсе: яго дзеці.
Браты і сёстры, сёстры і браты.
Час прыйшоў і мае ворагі становяцца маімі сябрамі, а мае сябры застаюцца маімі сябрамі. Мае сябры застаюцца маімі сябрамі, а мае ворагі становяцца маімі сябрамі.
Толькі калі мы прыйдзем у гэты пункт: раўнапраўя, раўназначнасці і гарманічнай раўнавагі ва ўсім: толькі тады, мы атрымаем права называцца: чалавекам або істотай разумным.
І няхай так будзе заўсёды, вечна, назаўжды.
Назаўжды - Заўсёды
Заўсёды - Назаўжды
На вякі вякоў
Амон Ра



"Die Welt kann nur schön sein, wenn es ein gutes Gleichgewicht gibt. Das wird geschehen: wenn es Gleichheit, Gleichberechtigung und Ausgeglichenheit in der ganzen Welt gibt.
Gleichheit, Gleichberechtigung und Gleichgewicht zwischen Männern und Frauen.
Wenn eine Frau einen Mann respektiert und liebt, dann wird ein Mann eine Frau respektieren und lieben und umgekehrt: wenn ein Mann eine Frau respektiert und liebt, dann wird eine Frau einen Mann respektieren und lieben.
Wenn die Linke die Rechte respektiert und die Rechte die Linke respektiert, : dann entsteht der : Mittelpunkt oder die "goldene Waage" : namens : Anarchie (Mutter der Ordnung).
Dies ist : der einzige :richtige (korrekte) Weg (Pfad).
Solange ihr links oder rechts, rechts oder links, männlich oder weiblich, weiblich oder männlich zieht: wird es immer Missverständnisse geben, wird es immer Respektlosigkeit geben, wird es immer Terror und Krieg geben.
Ich rufe Sie alle auf: Beenden Sie den Krieg.
Ich rufe Sie alle auf: Kommen Sie zu einem Waffenstillstand.
Respektiert euch gegenseitig, liebt euch.
Respektiert euch und liebt euch hier und jetzt.
Ich liebe euch alle dafür, dass ihr mir das klargemacht habt.
Ich liebe euch alle und jeden einzelnen von euch.
Genau wie unser einziger Vater: der Schöpfer.
(Er) liebt uns alle gleichermaßen ...
dich und mich und mich und dich.
Denn wir sind alle: seine Kinder.
Brüder und Schwestern, Schwestern und Brüder.
Die Zeit ist gekommen und meine Feinde werden meine Freunde und meine Freunde bleiben meine Freunde. Meine Freunde bleiben meine Freunde, und meine Feinde werden meine Freunde.
Nur wenn wir zu diesem Punkt der Gleichheit, der Gleichberechtigung und des harmonischen Gleichgewichts in allem kommen: nur dann werden wir das Recht haben, genannt zu werden: ein menschliches Wesen oder ein vernünftiges Wesen.
Und sei es für immer, für immer, für immer.
Für immer - immer
Immer - für immer
Für immer und ewig
Amon Ra

«Мир сможет быть прекрасным только тогда, когда будет хороший баланс. Это случится тогда, :когда во всем мире будет: равноправие равнозначность и равновесие.
Равноправие, равнозначность и равновесие между мужчинами и женщинами.
Если женщина будет уважать и любить мужчину тогда и мужчина будет уважать и любить женщину и наоборот: если мужчина будет уважать и любить женщину тогда и женщина будет уважать и любить мужчину.
Когда левые будут уважать правых а правые уважать левых : тогда проявится : точка середины или «золотые весы» : именуемые : Анархия(Мать Порядка).
Это -:единственный :верный (правильный) Путь (путь).
А до тех пор, пока вы тянете на лево или на право, на право или на лево, на мужскую или на женскую сторону, на женскую или на мужскую сторону: то всегда будет непонимание, всегда будет неуважение , всегда будет ужас и война.
Я призываю вас всех : завершить войну.
Я призываю вас всех : прийти к перемирию.
: Уважать друг друга, любить друг друга.
Уважайте друг друга и любите друг друга здесь и сейчас.
Я люблю вас всех за то, что вы дали мне это понять.
Я люблю вас всех и каждого.
Также как и наш единый Отец : Творец.
(Он) любит нас всех одинаково…
И тебя и меня и меня и тебя.
Потому что мы все : его дети.
Братья и сестры, сестры и братья.
Время пришло и мои враги становятся моими друзьями а мои друзья остаются моими друзьями. Мои друзья остаются моими друзьями а мои враги становятся моими друзьями.
Только когда мы прийдем в эту точку: равноправия, равнозначности и гармоничного равновесия во всем : только тогда ,мы получим право называться : человеком или существом разумным.
И пускай так будет всегда, вечно, навсегда.
Навсегда - Всегда
Всегда - Навсегда
Во веки веков
Амон Ра

“The world can only be beautiful when there is a good balance. This will happen when there is equality, equality and balance throughout the world.
Equality, equivalence and balance between men and women.
If a woman respects and loves a man, then the man will respect and love the woman and vice versa: if the man respects and loves the woman, then the woman will respect and love the man.
When the left respects the right and the right respects the left: then the middle point or “golden scales” will appear: called: Anarchy (Mother of Order).
This is the only :true (correct) Path (path).
And as long as you pull to the left or to the right, to the right or to the left, to the male or female side, to the female or to the male side: there will always be misunderstanding, there will always be disrespect, there will always be horror and war.
I call on you all to end the war.
I urge you all to come to a truce.
: Respect each other, love each other.
Respect each other and love each other here and now.
I love you all for making this clear to me.
I love you each and every one.
Just like our one Father: the Creator.
(He) loves us all equally...
And you and me and me and you.
Because we are all his children.
Brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers.
The time has come and my enemies become my friends and my friends remain my friends. My friends remain my friends and my enemies become my friends.
Only when we reach this point: equality, equivalence and harmonious balance in everything: only then will we gain the right to be called: a person or a rational being.
And let it be so always, forever, forever.
Forever - Always
Always - Forever
Forever and ever
Amon Ra



'I am very happy pleased and grateful, dear Katharina Rubin for this beautiful portrait! I am unspeakably happy😊 😇😍.

Thank you so much!"

Vladimir Bodunov Spuren Gottes 2021:


vb 2
vb 2
VB Black and White
VB Black and White

Interview with Athtur Schmidt Wiesbaden 2021:


From Press (Germany),(about concert with my music):

From Press (USA),(about Vladimir Bodunov musical activity):

"The Grand Musical Journey of Vladimir Bodunov "

Authored by Rhea Jimmy

Apr 15, 2021


My canal on Youtube:

Some Photos:


Meine Leidenschaft in der Kunst besteht darin, zunächst einmal nach meiner eigenen Sprache zu suchen oder das zu verwenden, was ich bereits gefunden und angewendet habe..., - in dem Ausdruck und der Beschreibung meiner eigenen Haltung zu einem bestimmten Objekt, das in einem bestimmten Kunstlerwerk beschrieben wird, ausgedrückt in der Suche und dem Finden einer geeigneten spezifischen Technik für die vollständigste Realisierung und Beschreibung einer bestimmten Idee oder eines Teils davon.

"Es ist für mich sehr interessant, in verschiedenen Musikstilen zu arbeiten und sie auch in einem bestimmten Werk miteinander zu kombinieren, z.B. unter Verwendung klassischer, moderner, alternativer, experimenteller Techniken, und gleichzeitig bestimmte konzeptuelle Ideen eines einzelnen Werkes mit dem für diese bestimmte Idee am besten geeigneten musikalischen Material zu verwirklichen, weshalb die Hierarchie der Musikstile für mich einfach nicht existiert. Wenn ein klassisch-moderner Schreibstil für eine bestimmte Idee geeignet ist, ist das wunderbar, aber wenn für eine andere Idee z.B. Rap oder Metal geeignet ist - dann ist das auch in Ordnung".

Vladimir Bodunov

Uladzimir Badunou



My passion in art is to search first of all for my own language or to use what I have already found and applied..., - in the expression and description of my own attitude to a certain object described in a particular Kunstler work, expressed in the search and finding of a suitable specific technique for the most complete realization and description of a particular idea or part of it.

"It is very interesting for me to work in different styles of music and also to combine them in one particular work together, for example using classical, modern, alternative, experimental techniques together, and at the same time realize specific conceptual ideas of a single work, with the most suitable for this particular idea ,-musical material.Therefore, the hierarchy of musical styles for me simply does not exist. If a classic modern style of writing is suitable for a particular idea, it is wonderful, but if for another idea is suitable for example rap or metal - it's also fine."

Vladimir Bodunov

Uladzimir Badunou


List of composed compositions:

Concert for 2 Violins with orchestra

Hope in 3 movements.

for string orchestra with drums timpany harp Orgel Piano oboe basson Trumpet.

String Quartet 1.

Four Seasons.

redaction for Violin solo

redaction for Two Violins

redaction for Piano solo

redaction for Violin and Cello

Animal Tales

Two Cows Talk and a contract, staing on the green field. (for 2 Violins)

The adventures of two brave and bold grasshoppers. (for 2 Violins)

The Mole (Bariton, string orchestra and drums)


Piano + Vocal


Spuren Gottes

Piano + Harp + Violin + Bariton


Reflection and Conclusion

Piano and Violin



String orchestra with solists, drums and bass quitar, Piano.

Do you love me?

String orchestra, Piano, Harp, drums.

full track:



Spuren Gottes

for Klavier, Violin, Harpe und Bariton:


For Piano:

Friedberg-Rosbacher Skizzen.



For Violin:

from Cycle Voices violently killed:

Voice 1

shaman waltz - frech Nadel

vladimir bodunov
experimental music - 'classical music

shaman waltz:

Fresch Nadel:


For The Violin Drivers (own project):




Industrial Voices



Force of Energy

The Last Song


Demo Video:




DESTINY'S DOOR : Vladimir Bodunov-Hans Zimmer


The funeral procession of Belarus culture track and Video:


Inspiration (redaction for 2 Violins)


Feedback from anonymous philosopher about piece:
" - a very refined and harmonious modernism... traced female soul theme of lyricism and reflection, but created gently and carefully by a man...
There isa lot of atmosphere of beautiful fragnant nature... And all this with a certain undertone of philosophy about the essence of beautiful being...


Galactic world for clarinet solo

dedicated to Ettore Pelaschiar


Заливная Рыба


номер из Балета Наци-Онал-Изм

посвященный росийско-немецкой агрессии


Wrote with other composers, musicians, and public figures:

DESTINY'S DOOR : Vladimir Bodunov-Hans Zimmer


He released three CDs with the "Pesnyary".


Participated in the recording of the album:

AMENTIA «Incurable Disease»


Together with Dmitry Vorobiev he recorded the track Breath.

Released a video clip. "Breath."

Participated and got laurels at several american festivals.

"In many of the famous festivals this video was refused to be shown... For obvious reasons I don't publish which ones were rejected..."


Together with the group "Laus Deo" recorded the album "Your Love".

violin keyboards arrangement


Together with the "Mechanical Oranges" he recorded the album "Cheer up, the unhappy go crazy".


Together with D.Vorobiev he recorded the album "The Mechanics of Race"

But due to controversy, the album was not completed.

Several unfinished recordings have been published:


Recorded a track and video together with Aaron English: "Pride"


Recorded a track and video together with Daniel Pain: "Wave Goodbye"


Together with Alescha Jorkowski wrote "Leoni"


Together with Cemile Dincer Video: "Dark Sunday" spontaneous improvisation.


Together with Hadi Awada video clip "Do you love me?"


Together with Anna Balasch wrote music for video: "City 3"


Violin Parts and Tour in Germany with Robert LaRosch


He created many arrangements for two violins especially for the project "Duo Divites". As of 2019 he is out of the project.

At the moment I'm looking for a suitable violinist to continue this project, but under a different name: Violin Duos by Vladimir Bodunov.

I gave the name "Duo Divites" to my former project partner and ex-wife Marta Danilkovic.


Next Concerts 2024:

Herzlich willkommen 02.02.2024 um 19:30 in Das Bilderhaus Frankfurt am Main Hermannstrasse 41.
In program : A.Schnittke, V.Bodunov. C.Debussy. Kurechin. Ets. 😇🫢😜🎶🫡. Photo by Daniel Kana🙏😇👍. #vladimirbodunov #violinist #consert #violinmusic #dasbilderhaus #02.02.2024 #frankfurtammainviolinist

20.03.2021 Friedberg

Feedback from Press:

Dear friends i hope that we will meet us there. Im very glad to have this possibility to be heard. Thank you so much! See you 20.03.2021 At 17:00 in Musicshool Friedberg (Hessen).

In Programm:
  From 4 Seasons:
1) 'Spring' for  Violin :  performer Vladimir Bodunov
2) 'Summer' for Piano :  performer Georg Klemp

3) 'Winter' for 2 Violins : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov
4) For violin and Piano "Reflection and Conclusion"  : performers Georg Klemp and Vladimir Bodunov
For 2 Violins from "Animal Tales":
5) 'The adventures of two brave and bold grasshoppers'. : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov
6) 'Two Cows Talk and a contract, staing on the green field'. : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov
7) For Piano with vocal: "Maria"  : performers Georg Klemp and Cornelia Halsbauer
8) For 2 Violins: "Inspiration"  : performers Norman Reaves and Vladimir Bodunov

                      Demo Video  with Music by Vladimir Bodunov from Concert 20.03.2021:


04.09.21 Frankfurt am Main um 14:00

Asal Khosravi Vernisage

In Programm:

A.Vivaldi Summer and Spring

V.Bodunov Summer and Spring for Violin solo


12.06.2021 Dreieich PferdenKonzert

(Danke fuer Photos und Videos Valentina Levant)

in Programm: Spontan improvisations , music by J.S.Bach, N.Paganini and V.Bodunov

Some videos here:


30.05.2021 Friedberg Musicschool LehrerKonzert um 17:00

in Programm: J.M.Kraus, A.Dvorak, J.Halvorsen, J.Pachelbel ,J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


04.06.2021 Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


05.06.2021  Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov
Some photos here:


19.06.2021  Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

 in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov

Some photos here:


03.07.2021  at 16:00 in Frankfurt am Main - violin perfomance

We will meet us here at 16:00:,+60322+Frankfurt+am+Main/@50.1284063,8.6781563,19z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x47bd0eca1617e089:0x7f8d3f554ebae78f!8m2!3d50.1284846!4d8.6787933 

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov

04.07.2021 at 15:20 Frankfurt am Main  - violin perfomance
(15.20 Uhr, oberhalb des Weihers, Ecke Obermainanlage / Weiherstrasse)

We will meet us here at 15:20:,+Ecke+Obermainanlage+%2F+Weiherstrasse/@50.1121302,8.6952928,19z 

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


10.07.2021 at 15:20 Frankfurt am Main - violin perfomance
(15.20 Uhr,  Raiffeisenstrasse, Ecke Roscherstrase, auf der Grünfläche bei der Litfasssäule)

We will meet us here at 15:20:,+Ecke+Roscherstrase,+auf+der+Gr%C3%BCnfl%C3%A4che+bei+der+Litfasss%C3%A4ule++/@50.1283239,8.7308763,148m/data=!3m1!1e3   

in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


11.07.2021  Um 15:00-18:00 Frankfurt am Main, Festhalle, Impfungszentrum..

   in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov


14.07.2021 at 18:30  Frankfurt am Main - violin perfomance
We will meet us here at 18:30:,8.6565187,37m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x47bd0945d9c4f2c5:0x3dd48c9d6e4969e5!8m2!3d50.123101!4d8.6564253  

in Programm: J.S.Bach and V.Bodunov



Katharina Rubin


Gruendenseestrasse 19 , 60386 FaM

Um 20:00

In Programm:

V.Bodunov Summer from 4 Seasons for violin solo

Singing Saw...

and more...



Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I would love to invite you this evening 11 of December in Wiesbaden “Kartina club”.

This evening will be really something special…,  and I hope that we together ,will enjoy this evening so much….


We have for you: different kind of live music with different kind of performances ,very great and good  vegan food …, genial painters and composers, good sound and light and video effects…, you will try everything there … and we will cooking very tasty stuffs just for you🎼 so : we gonna mixing: different kinds of Arts toghether: Music ,Painting, live acts , performances, masterclasses, shows , exhibition and so on…

Are you ready to go?


Better reserve your tickets now.




Kartina-Club Wiesbaden

with music by V.Bodunov and other Artists, Dancers and performers.

You can preorder ticket.

(The number of seats is limited.)

Dresscode for listeners:

suit for men, elegant evening gown for ladies

Ticket 50 euro

In Programm:

Music Programm : around 3 hours

7 musicians

Different Perfomances



More than one stage...

and even more...


Premiere "Spuren Gottes"


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Ich möchte Sie gerne für den 11. Dezember nach Wiesbaden in den "Kartina Club" einladen. (Flachstrasse 13)

Dieser Abend wird wirklich etwas Besonderes sein..., und ich hoffe, dass wir gemeinsam, diesen Abend so sehr genießen werden....

Wir haben für euch vorbereitet: Live-Musik mit verschiedenen Darbietungen, leckere Snacks..., talentierte Maler und Komponisten, gute Ton- und Lichteffekte und Videoeffekte..., ihr werdet dort alles erfahren... 🎼

..also: wir werden verschiedene Arten von Kunst zusammen mischen: Musik, Malerei, Live-Acts, Performances, Shows, Ausstellung und so weiter...

Sind Sie bereit das alles zu erleben?


Reservieren Sie besser gleich Ihre Tickets.

Eintritt nur mit 3G.


+4917676508100 Regina

+4915223186523 Vladimir

+4915901499436 Artur


#wiesbadenkultur #wiesbaden #kultur #culturewiesbaden #artwiesbaden #art #music #musik #poesie #kunst #kunstler #auschtellung #perfomance #musicperfomance #composer #komponist #violine #violin #singendesaege #singingsaw #11dezember #katharinarubin #joannamasseli #stephanhess #vladimirbodunov 

Some of Video Examples with music by V.Bodunov


Demonstration video with short cuts of music by Vladimir Bodunov.

for violin solo

violin and piano


piano and vocal

2 violins

 Summer for Violin solo from Seasons: 

2set violins play "Inspiration" by V.Bodunov

The adventures of two brave and bold grasshoppers. (for 2 Violins) 

DESTINY'S DOOR : H.Zimmer-V. Bodunov

For contest by Hans Zimmer "Bleeding Fingers":


  "Breath" : for violin, quitar , vocal,triangle and  clatter of teeth. V.Bodunov-D.Vorobiev

                  V.Bodunov - Reflection and Conclusion (1998) live for piano and violin

  "Dark Sunday" spontaneous improvisation with Cemile Dincer.


"Funeral procession of Belarus culture"

"Do you love me?" -Minimusical

"Do you love me?" -  V.Bodunov, full soundtrack

"The City-3" - V. Bodunov - D.Vorobiev- A. Ballash

"The Violin Drivers" - Demo video, live.

D.Vorobiev-V.Bodunov  live - "edges which is no more"

I have enouph of compositions  for different instruments which is waiting to be performing on the stage.

But mostly I dreaming about good recordings with best musicians i will find.

Please help my Music to be heard.

I need just money or  free studio, please!!!

Thank you so much!!!



Thank you so much!!!

Abgesagte Concerts Corona:

2020 klosterkirche-altenberg

Das war so vile das ich habe keine Lust das strukturieren....
